WITH YOUR HELP The Dream School Foundation can provide valuable programming to the students and community of the Nigerian School Project, including tutoring, test prep, book clubs, leadership workshops, environmental literacy and more.
TUTORING AND TEST PREP: We teach our students how to study and help them become strong readers and critical thinkers. We also prepare them for the Nigerian university entrance exams, which are very challenging tests. We do everything we can to help our students gain admission and achieve success at the university level.
BOOK CLUBS: We believe that reading enhances critical thinking skills. A love of reading and the dialogue it engenders ensures success at the university level. Selected books exemplify strength of character, leadership skills, and other positive qualities for success.
LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS: Through workshops and guest speakers, we emphasize 21st-century skills so that our students can become leaders in their own communities and citizens of the world.
ENVIRONMENTAL & HEALTH LITERACY: Because of the importance of a clean and healthy environment and the realities of climate change, we teach our students the awareness necessary to live a clean and sustainable life. Teaching these practices at school, it is our hope that this consciousness will spread to the home and the community at large.
ADULT LITERACY: Reading is empowering and leads to success—personally and economically. The adults on Tomaro Island have expressed their desire to learn as they observe the young students learning and thriving. With your help, The Dream School Foundation can provide valuable programming to the students and community of the Nigerian School Project, including tutoring, test prep, book clubs, leadership workshops, environmental literacy and more.
MENTORING: Students need guidance through high school and their transition to university. Mentors provide support, answer questions, and give advice. Mentoring is also a great way for graduates to give back and support current Nigerian School Project participants
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EVERY CHILD DESERVES TEXTBOOKS and school supplies of their own to use in school and to take home to study. Books and supplies need to be replaced and updated periodically. You can’t teach and learn without them.
And it’s not just textbooks, pencils, paper, notebooks, markers, and materials for the science and math labs that need to be replaced. We also need materials for vocational workshops. With your help, we can provide the equipment and supplies needed for success at the secondary level.
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YOUR DONATION CAN HELP our students go to university. Help us pay for admission tests, tuition, room and board, books, supplies and everything needed for successful university life.
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YOUR DONATION WILL HELP US MAINTAIN two secondary school buildings. Tomaro is a rough terrain with an excess of rain, sand and water. In this environment, things break down easily: generators, water pumps, toilets, sinks, appliances and more. The staff quarters also gets a lot of wear and tear and requires constant maintenance. Whether it’s a paint job, cement flooring, repairs to school furniture or basic upkeep, we believe it is imperative to keep the schools looking good and functioning well.
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THERE’S A CRITICAL SHORTAGE OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS in Nigeria, which is why we’re doing what we’re doing. There is urgent need in just about every community.
With a donation of $150,000 you can help us build a secondary school building. We’ve got the construction and design expertise to get it done. All we need are the funds. Help us make this dream a reality. If you are interested, please get in touch.
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THERE IS URGENT NEED EVERYWHERE AND EVERY DAY. Emergencies come up all the time that need our immediate attention. A donation to What’s Needed The Most helps us in the here and now, in ways big and small.
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